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Taking you from where you are to where you want to be!

Creating your Bio.jpg

Your bio is a critical tool for marketing yourself as an actor. It narrates your life story, highlighting both professional and personal elements that make you stand out. Typically, a bio is written in the third person, engaging readers with intriguing facts and career-
focused anecdotes. Your bio can be utilized across various platforms, including your website, social media profiles, and marketing postcards. Its length may differ depending on where it's being used.


Consider having a professional help you with your bio. I can assist in highlighting your strengths, polishing your language, and making your bio stand out from the crowd. I can also help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure your bio is professional and effective.


The BASIC PACKAGE includes a consultation phone call and the delivery of one bio in the outlined forms mentioned above. You will need to provide a first draft of your bio, including as many details as possible.


Don't worry, this is just an initial overview. This process helps me gain an overview of you and your career.

priced at $250

The EXPERT PACKAGE includes one bio delivered in the outlined forms mentioned above. Additionally, it will be loaded into three casting sites for you. You will need to provide passwords and all logins. This package also includes a professionally designed email signature with various logos (provided by you), headshots, and live links.


Moreover, it includes a marketing postcard design and a choice of three graphic examples for a designed letterhead. I


add $250 - if you would like your resume to be reviewed, redone, and loaded into three casting sites (crafted to the 8x10 size)

priced at $495

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2701 W. 15th Street #313

Plano, TX 75075



© 2020 | Actors Audition Studios with Lar Park Lincoln

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